Sunday, September 07, 2008

While purging his room of stuff that a 3 year old no longer needs, I came across a bunch of receiving blankets including this one that he was swaddled in at the hospital when he was born. I wanted to see if it still fit. Simon didn't really care about the blanket, he was curious to try his hand at the nose suction bulb (which we found in the drawer along with the receiving blankets).

He didn't stay swaddled for long. And didn't get anything out with the nose suction bulb either, thank goodness.

We waited to transition Simon from his crib to a big boy bed because his bedroom is not on the same floor as ours. We didn't want any middle of the night walking around, so we waited as long as we could. But then we figured we couldn't let him continue to sleep in a crib as a 3 year old, so got him a new bed right before his birthday. He was very happy to help dismantle the crib and assemble his new bed.

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