Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lincoln Children's Zoo with Blake and Lisa

We had a fun day in Lincoln with cousins Lisa and Blake. We went to the Children's Zoo where we saw all kinds of animals and ate lunch (well... Lisa and I ate lunch. Blake and Simon alternated between playing under the table and running around the courtyard) and played on some cool structures. We also had ice cream at the UNL dairy store - what a treat!

Simon and Blake feeding baby goats.

Simon posing in front of one of the camels. It was so sunny and bright that day!

Simon and Blake hatching out of a dinosaur egg.

Riding the train was so much fun! The engineer tooted the horn inside the tunnel. Simon loved it, but poor Blake (who had a bad ear infection) did not. Blake was such a sport to hang out with us all day!

Waiting for the train to come past again. We rode it twice, but Simon and Blake just couldn't get enough.

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