Thursday, June 07, 2007

Candles at Tucson Mission

Flying like an Airplane

Walking with Mommy

Simon and Mommy

Throwing Rocks, Daddy!

Playing with Sticks

Brees Boys Bushwacking

Swinging in the Desert

Satisfied with Bathtime

Decent into Sadness


Mildly Happy



Downright Sad

Dressing the Christmas Tree

Lights on a string? Far out!

Move Abby

Let me help, Daddy!

Pile on Simon

Hanging Stars



Where's the Poopy, Simon?

"Change You... Change You"

Eating Yogurt

December Around the House

Simon wearing his Indian Headband

Mommy wearing Simon's Headband

Daddy wearing Simon's Headband

Trick Fork

We visited some friends who brought out a trick fork. Simon had a great time (and made a great mess).