Friday, December 28, 2007

Simon Singing in the Car

Simon's first pictures

Simon's first pictures

Simon and Emily
Simon at Fernbank

Simon and Emily
Jeremy + Simon at Fernbank

Playing Tiddlywinks with Emily

Christmas 2007

We had a great Brees Family Christmas... the first one with everyone together in 5 years.
Fun Dip for Daddy

Bedhead Jammies

Simon opening a gift from Lollie and Pop
Simon doctoring Emily
Stacy gets a jewelry case
Simon doctoring Pop

The Ladies and their Jewelry
Simon and his Matching Game from Grandma/pa Gilsdorf
Pop opening his gift
Simon and Daddy opening their gift (a camera)

What's in this box Lollie and Pop?
What's in this box, Jeremy and Emily
Emily and Jeremy thanking Simon for his gift

Simon's gift to Emily and Jeremy

Christmas Breakfast
Simon and Pop playing in wrapping paper
Pop teaching Simon to play putt putt

Let's play tiddlywinks Pop

J+E on the sofa
Reading his Italy Book
J+S playing putt putt
E+S playing Hi Ho Cherrio
Simon and Ms. Quanda

Christmas Eve

Simon and Pop
Simon and Jellies
Mommy and Simon
Lollie and Simon with Penguins
Pop in the Whale