Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day

On Father's Day, we went to the Atlanta Botanical Garden. In addition to the beautiful plants throughout the garden, right now they are exhibiting sculpture by Niki de Saint Phalle. Her sculptures are large, playful, and made of bits of mirror, glass, pottery, etc. like a mosaic. We had a really fun day! We also visited the Children's Garden. Guess what was Simon's favorite part of the Children's Garden?

Playing in a fountain by one of the sculptures. Posted by Picasa

What happened to Simon's head?? Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Simon walking away from one of the lions. Posted by Picasa

Simon on the big lawn, with a totem in the background. Posted by Picasa

Mommy and Simon on the big lawn. Posted by Picasa

Who? What? Where??? Posted by Picasa

Eating ice on the big lawn. This was moments before he poured the contents of the cup on mommy's lap. Wow, that was cold! Posted by Picasa

Mommy and Simon at the Bull Totem. Posted by Picasa

The fountains in the Children's Garden. This looks like fun! Posted by Picasa

This would be a great time for you to just walk on your own, Simon... mommy doesn't really want to get wet with you and the other kiddies... please let go of my finger... Posted by Picasa

We're goin' in! Posted by Picasa

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There are still a few dry patches on our clothes, so we need to go farther into the fountain. Posted by Picasa


This is as close to pictures of Simon walking as it gets. For now. He has already realized that it's much easier and faster just to walk instead of crawl, but he usually wants to hold onto something (mommy's or daddy's hands, a toy, etc.). One of these days he is just going to take off running.

Pushing my dump truck around the kitchen. Posted by Picasa

That's an impressive payload! I can haul a Snoopy and a ball with a kitty on top! Posted by Picasa

Hmm, so THAT'S why it's called a dump truck! Posted by Picasa

Now I am going to pick the toys up and put them back in the dump truck. Posted by Picasa

Just pushing my little car around the kitchen. Posted by Picasa

Look ma, no hands! Posted by Picasa

All this walking is making me tired. Posted by Picasa

I'm going to walk unaided a couple of steps over to my car, but that's all you get! Posted by Picasa

Maybe I'll climb up the drapes next. Posted by Picasa