Thursday, January 05, 2006


Pictures from our vacation in Tucson.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Mesquite Posted by Picasa

Simon learns about the Yucca Posted by Picasa

Simon learns about the Yucca Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Simon in the Desert Posted by Picasa

Mommy, Simon and a Saguaro Posted by Picasa

Simon and Daddy Posted by Picasa

Simon and Daddy on a rock Posted by Picasa

Simon and Daddy on a big rock Posted by Picasa

Simon and Daddy Posted by Picasa

Cactus Posted by Picasa

Stacy and Simon Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Saguaro Posted by Picasa

Saguaro Looking Up Posted by Picasa

Saguaro Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Simon Posted by Picasa

Simon and Mommy Posted by Picasa

Three Shadows Posted by Picasa

Saguaro Looking Up Posted by Picasa

Saguaro Skeleton (closeup) Posted by Picasa

Tree in a Wash Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Simon hiking Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Simon by a Tree Posted by Picasa

A Very Happy Simon (showing off his bottom teeth) Posted by Picasa

Stacy and Simon Posted by Picasa

Mountains above the desert Posted by Picasa