Sunday, October 30, 2005

Soy? Gluten-free? Organic? What's going on here

So Jeb walks down to the neighborhood organic food store and comes home with salad mix, vegetables........... and a pint of gluten-free, soy, vanilla yogurt. Jeb is anything but a gluten-free soy kinda guy which is what makes this so funny.

Little Five Points (L5P) Halloween Parade

For those of you who've heard of L5P, nearby where we live, you'll instantly grin when you think of a Halloween Parade here. With it's funky, eccentric attitude and never-orthodox way of doing things, the L5P parade is always THE Halloween parade to watch. And it didn't disappoint.

Simon dressed up in his Halloween outfit given to him by his aunt Heidi and (soon-to-be) uncle Chris. As one would expect, he turned heads both from the crowd and from parade participants. You be the judge.

Simon getting dressed

Besides how cute Simon is in this outfit, what's so funny is that he has no idea he's dressed up in a little outfit.

Little Buzz

Our thanks to our neighbor, Pete Stokes, who took these next three shots and was kind enough to burn them to a CD so we could use them on our blog and elsewhere.




Simon the Jellowjacket and Cameron the tiger battle it out.

Simon watching the parade

Simon loved the parade... and being held by Pop.

Daddy and Simon

His wings got tired again and he needed to ride on daddy for a while.

After the Parade

Simon just loved all the attention he received... and got to practice his already near-perfect flirting abilities.

Botanical Gardens

We visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens with Jeb's Parents and two other couples and their children: Dawn, Chad and Ethan... and Lawanna, Dave and Kacey. There were two special exhibits this time: a scarecrow exhibit and a model train exhibit. The scarecrows weren't scary but quite creative, sponsored by local businesses. The train exhibit was amazing! They created a whole little train world with tunnels, bridges, buildings, waterfalls, etc. There were 5 or more trains going on different tracks and the whole setup was so large you could walk through it and under it. The picture don't do it justice. Enjoy.


Scarecrow near the restaurant

Daddy and Simon from behind


Simon Up High

Simon loved being up on our shoulders and giggled to himself most of the time. He also pulls your hair.

Simon and Pop

Train Bridge

This bridge reminds me of The Bridge over the River Kwai. This is one of the bridges one of the trains runs over. The bridge is built over water and it easily 8 feet tall.

Here comes the train

Approaching the waterfall

The weather was cloudy early in the afternoon and so this picture is a little washed out. You can see the waterfall in the background and how realistic some of the landscape was in miniature.

Simon and the Twig Scarecrow


The kids loved looking at the lillypads and all the colorful koi fish swimming around in the water.

Lollie and Pop and Simon

Dave and Kacey


He's cute even from behind.

Simon and Daddy

Up Up and Away

Simon LOVES this... but Mommy still grits her teeth.

Simon Riding on Pop

Pop loves giving Simon rides... but with Simon pushing 21+ lbs, it gets heavy fast.

Daddy and Simon

Hands in the Fountain

All three kids wanted to put their hands in the fountain. I think Kacey (the oldest at 1 year) was the only one who was successful since we had to lean over the lower fountain to touch this one.

October Simon

Here are some pictures of Simon (and family) taken during the early portion of October. His Lollie and Pop (Grandparents Brees) gave him some Halloween socks, shirt and bib... all of which he's put to great use. And Simon is moving around a good bit more in bed... we find him in some crazy positions each morning.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Friday, October 28, 2005

Simon in his Jeremy+Emily outfit Posted by Picasa

Simon's Fauxhawk

So Eileen, Simon's nanny, had Simon alone one Friday. She got bored so she gave him a bath and decided to give him a little hairstyle to match his personality. It was so cute.

More Fauxhawk

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Halloween Shirt

Happy Simon

Simon and Mommy

Well... Stacy's head is cut out of this one, but Simon's finally looking at the camera (one of about 25 pictures) Posted by Picasa

Simon in his Halloween Socks (from Lollie and Pop) Posted by Picasa

Simon's New Sleeping Positions Posted by Picasa

Simon's New Sleeping Positions Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Simon's visit with Brees grandparents

Simon spent 10 days in Rock Hill with his Brees grandparents. Clearly he had a marvelous time! As proof of this, when I picked up Simon to bring him back home, Ray handed me a manila envelope of pictures that he and Laurie took during the visit. Here they are - hope you like them.

Is this what I'll look like when I grow up?? Posted by Picasa

Simon on the potty Posted by Picasa

Simon eating a Snickers... just kidding! Ray and Laurie set this picture up as a joke. I believed them for a second... Mommy likes Snickers, so why wouldn't baby?? Posted by Picasa