Thursday, September 15, 2005

Simon's Baptism

Simon was baptized on Sept 4 at All Saints' Episcopal Church. The following pictures were taken after the service in the sanctuary and in the garden.

After Church Posted by Picasa

After Chruch Posted by Picasa

Simon with Mom and Dad Posted by Picasa

Simon with Mimi and Pop Posted by Picasa

Froggy Simon

Some friends of ours gave Simon this great froggy bath towel. He doesn't know what's so great yet, but we have so much fun laughing at him in it. Enjoy.

EEEEEEEEE Posted by Picasa

MMMMMMMMMMM Posted by Picasa

Simon Posted by Picasa

Froggy Posted by Picasa

Hee Hee Posted by Picasa

More Simon

More Simon pictures from the past few weeks.

More Sleeping in the Jumpy Posted by Picasa

More Sleeping in the Jumpy Posted by Picasa

Cute Little Simon Buns Posted by Picasa

What should I do now? Posted by Picasa

I Know!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Ugggghh. Ugggghh. Ahhhhh... feelin' good. Posted by Picasa

Startled Posted by Picasa

What? Posted by Picasa

I'm not mis-behaving. Posted by Picasa

I'm Flying (arms swept back) Posted by Picasa

G e t t i n g D i z z z z z z z z z y  Posted by Picasa